Name: Amani Will / Amani Way
Born/Live: Huichin (Berkeley/Oakland) Ca, U.S.A
Prefered Gender Pronouns: He, They, We
Ethnicity: African Diasporic Black American; Ani Yun Wiwa, Moskogee, Okmulgee, Choctaw, 1st Nations Aboriginal; Gaelic, Briton, Saxon, Germanic, White American.
Website: www.InnerEquity.us
Co-Founder and Co-Principal operator of:
Orgs: Inner Equity Coaching Council; HoodHippie Universe; CLN (Creative Liberation Now) -- Inactive: P.O.W.E.R Movement (People Organizing With Each Other for Revolution)
Bands: HoodHippie$; Amani Will / Wa Ama & the Lion Truth -- Inactive: BTCLN (Band Together Creative Liberation Now); The Attik
In Service through:
D.J.E.D.I Design:
(Deep Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion);
Fool to Multiverse Restorying:/Inner Equity Coaching Council
Prayer; Collective healing & tending/Project collaboration/Artivism);
I Be:
Bay Baby; Hood Hippie; Singing Poet BeatMan; Meditator, Educator, Irreverent Reverend; Liberation Fractalist
Getting Free through Creativity:
Being Creative, inviting Others.
Making Fools of Ourselves,
Restor(y)ing the Multiverse
What is Creative Liberation Now?
Getting Free
through Creativity.
Being Creative,
inviting Others.
Making Fools of Ourselves,
Restor(y)ing the Multiverse
What is Creative Liberation Now?

Amani Will / Wa Ama & the Lion Truth and BT CLN - Select
Curriculum Vitae:
Inner Equity Coaching Council -- 3.21 - Present - Embodied, Mindful, Intergenerationally Therapeutic, Creative Liberation Coaching, Counseling, and Council for Change Makers in a Changing World.
Ancestral Somatics TransAtlantic Healing Journey & Fundraiser -- 8 - 11.21 - an intergenerational prayer for Black & Indigenous land, economic, & cultural sovereignty.
Decolonization 4 Dreamers -- 3.21 - 6.21 - An interdisciplinary, multimedia, live and asynchronous, online, training for Reclaiming and Restor(y)ing (y)our Life!!!
'HoodHippie Universe Dreamers' Anonymous Meeting pt 1 @ No Place Like Home Festival' -- 30 minute musical film in the world of a HoodHippie Universe dreamers' Anonymous meeting, facilitated by earths and suns, visited by many strange and wonderful dreamers.
'HHU Furtherance (promotional short film) for Black Hives Matter Project' -- 7.20 - 2 short promotional films in support of the Black Hives Matter project.
'D.j.e.d.i design with Mmapeu consulting' -- 6.20 - Present -- I Am Many Practice D.J.E.D.I Council for Sf Marin Food Bank with MMAPEU Consulting
'HHU Design & Furtherances' for Hard Conversations Anti-racist trainings -- 4.20 - 10.20 -- D.J.e.D.I design facilitation support, and 6 HoodHippie universe furtherances (commercials)
'HoodHippie Universe Tv' -- 6.20 - present -- CLaN Multiverse is born, the Holding Company for HoodHippie Universe Tv -- Bay Area, Psychedelic, frEQ folk, Ancient Futurist, HipHop Heads, exploring the Universe -- Through Augmented Alternate RealityTv
‘J.E.D.I Design’ @ Millennium School Sf -- 9.19 - 3.20 -- CLN designs and implements middle school Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion curriculum; Starts & leads Student J.E.D.I Club; Staff J.E.D.I Council; Consults on institutional J.E.D.I design
‘The First Move’ Fool 2 Multiverse Restorying Workshop Series @ Chapter 510 -- 9.19 - Present -- CLN opens the introductory 4 month workshop ‘The First Move’, a prerequisite for ‘Creative Liberation Now; A Game for Living a Ledgendary Life’ -- an art in action based J.E.D.I incubator for Creatives, Brjxs, Change Makers, & Entrepreneurs
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ @ Alliance for Community Development -- 9.19 -- BTCLN/‘Hood Hippie$’ share ritual, music, and teachings at The Alliance for Community Development Conference with Jahan Khaligi
‘Creative Liberation Now; Art Walk’ @ Point Arena Beach -- 9.19 -- CLN, Using the CLN Oracle Deck, Millennium School students make interactive ritual art at Point Arena Beach to showcase to the whole school
‘Fool 2 Multiverse Rites of Passage’ Process @ Sierra Butes -- 6.19 -- CLN, AnceStoryAF (Ancient Future AnceStory), & Back to Earth graduate 8th grade Millennium class through rites, ritual & council
‘Light Work for Black Lives’ @ Lightning in a Bottle -- 5.19 -- Jasmine Adorable Vassar, Kele Nitoto, Bronte Velez & I offer J.E.D.I energetic healing ritual workshop with P.O.C. & allies at Lightning in a Bottle music festival
‘De-Cording’ Workshop @ the Honey Spot -- 5.19 -- CLN & Cayla Naranja explore self and world care practices like herbalism, meditation, ritual, & activism for right relationship with our wireless electronic devices
Script Writing/Acting/’SharemonyPrayerformance’ @ the Clock Factory -- 5.19 -- CLN/Hood Hippie$ and Jasmine Saavedra co-write and perform curriculum/script/music for Netflix pilot for youth mindfulness television show
Scoring for Ancestral Voices Film -- 4.19 -- Amani Will/Wa Ama & the Lion Truth score two songs for
‘Ancestral Voices’, a Documentary on West African Spirituality
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ & Hosting P.L.A.C.E Fundraiser @ The New Parish -- 4.19 -- CLN/Hood Hippie$ host/emcee and make musical offerings at the fundraiser for People Linking Art Community & Ecology, a non-profit org, tiny home village, and community center with Jennifer Johns, Samba Funk, Audiopharmacy, Dirt Wire, and Kanyon Sayers
Fool 2 Multiverse Restorying Circles @ Sol Tree Alchemy & Queen Hippie Gypsy -- 3.19 - 6.19 -- CLN offers a council on the basics of Tarot & other davinatory modalities, intuition honing & energy balancing practices, & collective storytelling -- all as a creative liberation process
Fool 2 Multiverse Restorying - Oracle Readings @ Alena Museum, Yoga Love, & 325 11th -- 3.19 -- Using the ‘CLN Deck’, a QPOC, Global Social/Eco Justice, Tarot inspired Oracle Game -- we use symbolic language, intuition, and counseling technique in one on one and small group settings, to glimpse and reorganize the inner world of and with the client
Church of the Open Mic @ Chapter 510 & The Well Cafe -- 1.19 - 8.19 -- CLN offers two 8 month, monthly “open mics” at two locations; part church, part showcase, part group therapy, part tarot reading, part think tank, part portal
‘Fool 2 Multiverse Classes’ @ Millennium School Sf -- 1.19 - 5.19 -- CLN offers Millennium Middle School students a self & world visioning process through which we clarify our passions, specialities, challenges, needs, & offerings -- their relationships to the world -- & therefore, the worlds we want to co-create for healing and thriving. Students synthesize this visioning process into Fool & Multiverse Cards that become a part of our world renown CLN Deck Expansion Pack
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ & Co-Producing Shab-e Yalda Persian & ‘Global Winter Solstice’ community event @ Rudramandir -- 12.18 -- BTCLN, Neeka Salmasi, & Lydia Violet co-produce, & are featured musical artists in a multicultural Persian led solstice ceremony and celebration
AFA Book Project @ Millennium School Sf -- 10.18 - 12.18 -- CLN & Ancient Future AnceStory guide a project based class with Millennium School sf, in which students produce a book inspired by learnings on basic history of colonization, genealogy, research into their own personal lineages, and their families’ roles/experiences within colonization, while reconnecting with basic earth based/indigenous wisdom from their lineages, & pan indigenous cosmologies globally
Creative Liberation Now Deck; The Deck of 13 Sacred Paths -- 10.18 -- CLN publishes our 108 mixed-media images combined as an oracle deck -- tarot inspired; QPOC, mystic-global-eco-social-justice lens
AFA Ancestor Altar Project @ Millennium School Sf -- 9.18 - 10.18 -- CLN & Ancient Future AnceStory guide a project based class with Millennium School sf, in which students create an ancestor altar as a semi-permanent fixture in the school, inspired by experiential ed in basic history of colonization, genealogy, research into the students’ own personal lineages, and their families’ roles/experiences within colonization -- while reconnecting with basic earth based/indigenous wisdom from their lineages & pan indigenous cosmologies globally throughout time
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ @ Climate Action Summit -- 9.18 -- BTCLN/‘Hood Hippie$’ share ritual, music, and teachings at The ‘ClimateMusic’ stage
‘Magic Without Magicians: A Fool’s Guide and Spell Book Vol. 1’; ‘The Big Book of Q’s’ -- 8.18 -- CLN publishes approximately 1/7th of our daily blog, following our 26 moon cycle, 2 year CLN Deck spread & Deck Unveiling blog
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ @ OMEGA Institute -- 7.18 -- HoodHippie$ share ritual, music, and teachings at the ‘Celebrate Life Festival’ focused on intergenerational trauma healing
‘Magic without Magicians: Music through the
MultiVerse Chat Book Vol. 1’ -- 7.18 -- HoodHippie$ publish the Lyrics to a set of 13 songs and meditations they offer in SharemonyPrayerformance at the ‘Celebrate Life Festival’ in New York
AFA Fool’s Journey ‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ -- 7.18 -- Amani Will makes an ‘Ancient Future AnceStory pilgrimage’ to the lands of his patrilineal indigenous roots & his matrilineal colonizer & immigrant pathways in support of the occupation of New York state. AFA crafts Altar and book projects for Millennium School inspired by AFAfool’s Journey through occupied Ani Yun Wiwa, Okmulgee, Moskogee, Choctaw, & Houdenshoudne Territories
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ & Hosting P.L.A.C.E Creating Commons Festival @ 64th & Marshall -- 7.18 -- CLN/Hood Hippie$ host/emcee fundraiser and Open Mic for People Linking Art Community & Ecology non-profit, tiny home village, and community center
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ & Hosting P.L.A.C.E Fundraiser @ St Columba Church -- 4.18 -- CLN/Hood Hippie$ host/emcee fundraiser and Open Mic for People Linking Art Community & Ecology non-profit, tiny home village, and community center with Neeka Salmasi, Jahan Khaligi, Colin Miller, Ernesto Olmos, & more
Oral History Book Release
‘J.E.D.I Design’ for The GreenLife at San Quentin -- 3.18 - 6.18 -- CLN, under advisement of Mmapeu Consulting, councils, co-facilitates, & co-designs, a strategic plan for a reentry wing of GreenLife
Scoring R.I.S.E. promo video -- 3.18 -- Amani Will/Wa Ama & the Lion Truth score promotional video for Research Institute for Social Equity produced by Olu8 Films
Nowruz Persian New Year & global Spring Equinox Community event @ P.L.A.C.E for Sustainable Living -- 3.18 -- BTCLN co-produces, co-hosts, and is featured musical artist with Neeka Salmasi
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ @ the Red Poppy Art House -- 1.18 -- BTCLN is a featured artist during MAPP (Mission Arts Performance Project) neighborhood art walk
‘Liberation Mindfulness Mixtape’ -- 1.18 - 7.18 -- Amani Will co-produced, co-wrote, co-facilitated, arranged, and narrated a Mindfulness Mixtape for incarcerated youth, featuring elders and youth alike who have struggled and found transformation within the prison industrial complex. A Mind Body Awareness Project, Rubicon Programs, Creative Liberation Network, & Google collaboration
‘Cosmic Love Ninja labs’ @ Millennium School Sf -- 1.18 - 6.18 -- CLN facilitates 3 classes, for 3 terms, serving 6th-8th grade; combining wonder, pan-indigenous & imperial sciences, and an exploration into some of the most urgent layers of our complex world -- with the call to turn towards ourselves, find our superhuman powers, and give generously to a world begging for audacious healers
‘Wakanda Sun’ Black News Site -- 2.18 - 6.18 -- AnceStoryAF co-founds, consults, curates and creates content for black news site and organizing platform the Wakanda Sun
‘SharemonyPrayerformance’ for ‘Past is Present: MetWest Oral History Book Release’ @ Chapter 510, & the Department of Make Believe -- 7.18. -- HoodHippie$ share ritual, music, and teachings at the Past is Present: MetWest
Creative Club Open Mic @ Impact Hub Sf - artist feature (Amani WIll, jahan Khaligi, BT CLN, Holistic Underground, ImpactHub S.F.)
Tedx Sonoma 2017 - artist feature (Amani WIll & jahan Khaligi)
Reclaiming community’s; Spiral Dance - artist feature (Amani WIll / Wa Ama & the Lion Truth)
Shab-e Yalda: Ancient Iranian Solstice Celebration & DANCE PARTY - co-production & artist feature (AFA, BT CLN, Amani Will)
Spring Washam’s ‘A fierce Heart’ Book release - artist feature (Spring Washam, East Bay Meditation Center, Amani Will, BT CLN)
Resilient Response: A disaster preparedness workshop and concert - artist feature (BT CLN, PLACE for Sustainable Living, Permaculture Action Network)
Mbongui Square Festival - artist feature (BT CLN, Kiandanda Dance theatre, Zaccho Dance Theatre)
Cura Kickstarter Launch - co-facilitation, artist feature (Amani Will, BT CLN)
Creating Commons Festival - emceeing, artist feature (PLACE for Sustainable Living, NORCal resilience network, Permaculture Action Network, St Columba Catholic Church, BT CLN)
‘Birthright Tribal Member’ by The Broken Treaty Poet - production, composition, artistic coaching (Amani Will, BT CLN)
People of Celebration; QPOC Healing Retreats - co-creating, co-facilitating, artist feature (AFA, CLN, & Amani Will)
‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ counseling sessions - co-facilitating transformation (AFA)
NorCal Permaculture Convergence; Intuitional Literacy 101 workshop - co-creating, co-facilitating (CLN, Living Mandala, Solar Living Institute)
Artivist in residence; PLACE for Sustainable Living - community building, organizational consulting, ritual, musical gatherings, community outreach, building renovations (CLN, BT CLN, Amani Will, AFA, PLACE for Sustainable Living)
Rites of Passage Backpacking Trips for middle schools - facilitation (AFA, Back to Earth)
Liberation & The Body - ritual, facilitation, training (Sexological BodyWorkers Institute, CLN, BeJustBodies)
The Benefits Winter Solstice Show - artist feature (BT CLN, The Benefits, The Lost Church)
Brazil 2 the Bay: a resilience sharemony and fundraiser for standing rock - co-production, artist feature (Namorados da Lua, Caxieras Viajantes, BT CLN, PLACE for Sustainable Living)
Stand; a fundraiser for standing rock - co-production, artist feature (Permaculture Action Network, PLACE for Sustainable Living, Jasmine Fuego, Desirae Harp, Eli Marienthal, Tatu Vision, Balamcoatl, BT CLN)
Sing for the Waters; a fundraiser for standing rock - artist feature (Amani Will)
Seeds of our Ancestors; Ritual Theatre at Bioneers - co-creation, scoring, artist feature (Deezbaa O’hare, Patricia Juarez, Bioneers, AFA / Amani Will)
Breakthrough Communities; Climate Justice project pilot launch - event and project planning, management, & consulting, ritual, artist feature (Breakthrough Communities, EBMUD, ACOE, AFA, Amani Will, CLN)
Thrive East Bay; Restoring a Nation - artist feature (Thrive East Bay, Fania Davis, Oakstop, BT CLN)
Feel the Bern music video and Bernie Sanders’ campaign fundraiser - co-production, co-writing, co-direction, vocals, emcee (Aaron Ableman, Darius Farraye, DemSo, Jazz Mafia, Amani Will, BT CLN)
Electrify the Masses; by DJ Free Leonard - co-production, creative consulting, composing (Amani Will, AnceStoryAF, CLN)
Mindful Life staff training - Organizational Consulting (Mindful Life, CLN, AnceStoryAF, J.E.D.I Design)
Seeds of Awareness 1st annual symposium - artist feature (Amani Will , BT CLN)
Quilted Journey Arts Tiny House Build - construction, creative consulting (Lisa Carey, Quilted Journey Arts, CLN)
People of Celebration; QPOC Healing Retreats - co-creating, co-facilitating, artist feature (AFA, CLN, & Amani Will)
‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ counseling sessions - co-facilitating transformation (AFA)
Curandera Film - scoring & creative consulting (Hover Pictures NYC, Yolanda Frausto & the Frausto family, Amani Will / Wa Ama & the Lion Truth, AFA)
Assimilate or Eliminate; by DJ Free Leonard - co-production, creative consulting, composing (Amani Will, AFA, CLN)
Alive and Awake by Aaron Ableman; an Album, Book, & TV show - creative consulting, co-writing, co-producing (AnceStoryAF, Amani Will, Aaron Ableman, CLN)
Welcoming Our Young Adults Home; Rites of passage and community outreach program - co-creation, curriculum writing, community partnership and internship creation, program management, facilitation (Community Day School, Challenge Day, Mind Body Awareness Project, CLN)
People of Celebration; QPOC Healing Retreats - co-creating, co-facilitating, artist feature (AFA, CLN, & Amani Will)
‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ counseling sessions - co-facilitating transformation (AFA)
Creative Liberation Now Deck - graphic design, game design, occult studies consulting (CLN)
Creative Liberation Network - Co-founded (Amani Will, Seneca Beth Miller, Amutabi James Todaii-Haines)
If these Halls could Talk; a film by Lee Mun Wah - scoring (Amani Will, BT CLN)
A Struggle for Human Rights; by Dj Free Leonard - co-production, creative consulting, composing (Amani Will, AFA, CLN)
Sacred Sexuality; a people’s work group - co-creation, co-facilitation (Be Just Bodies, Alt7, CLN)
People of Celebration; QPOC Healing Retreats - co-created, co-facilitated, artist feature (AFA, CLN, Amani Will)
‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ counseling sessions - co-facilitating transformation (AFA)
Altar of Free Being / Playground for Spiritual Misfits; Men’s Group - co-creation, co-facilitation (AFA, Alt7, CLN)
Gather Round the We; cooperative community process - co-creation, co-facilitation (Mesa Aymaat, AFA)
People of Celebration; QPOC Healing Retreats - co-created, co-facilitated, artist feature (AFA, CLN, Amani Will)
‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ counseling sessions - co-facilitating transformation (AFA)
People of Celebration; QPOC Healing Retreats - co-created, co-facilitated, artist feature (I AM I, CLN, Amani Will)
The Ladysmith Black Mambazo Beat Tape - co-production, composition (Amani Will, BT CLN)
The Ladysmith Black Mambazo Beat Tape album release ritual/party - co-production, event management and promotion, ritual, artist feature (The Attik, Do D.A.T., SandMan, Dj Treat U Nice, Brwn Bfflo, Triom, Keena Romano, Black Diamonds Shining Crew, Alt7, Amani Will, BT CLN)
Mindful Education Institute - training, facilitation, cohort lead (Mind Body Awareness Project, Jack Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Linda Lantieri, Daniel Rechtschaffen, Vinny Ferraro, Pam Dunn, Joanna Hardy, Meena Srinivasan, Megan Cowan, Amani Will, Mt. Madonna retreat center)
MBA Project Mindfulness, Decolonization, Creative Liberation classes - co-creation, site and program management, co-facilitation (MBA Project, San Mateo Juvenile Hall, AFA, Amani Will)
The UnderMind Aftercare program - (MBA Project, San Mateo Juvenile Hall, Alameda County Juvenile Hall, The Attik House, Gerardo Marin, Alt7, I AM I, Amani Will)
The Attik Crew- Production, recording, mixing, performance - 4 part Hip-Hop ensemble (Dj Treat U Nice, Sand Man, Do D.A.T., Amani Will)
AFA Fool’s Journey ‘Restor(y)ing the Multiverse’ - ancestral music, poetry, curriculum sabbatical (Nuna Ayni, AFA, CLN)
The UnderMind Aftercare program - (MBA Project, San Mateo Juvenile Hall, Alameda County Juvenile Hall, The Attik House, Gerardo Marin, Alt7, I AM I, Amani Will)
MBA Project Mindfulness, Decolonization, Creative Liberation classes - co-creation, site and program management, co-facilitation (MBA Project, San Mateo Juvenile Hall, AFA, Amani Will)